Kristine Erickson


About Kristine

Kristine Erickson, LICSW is a clinical social worker who works with clients to gain a more healthy relationship with themselves, as well as in their primary relationships. She is trained in the Post Induction Therapy Model, is a certified Relational Life Therapist and has been extensively trained to intervene in divorce crisis with Discernment Counseling.

Kristine enjoys educating clients, as well as helping them to become the best version of themselves and to find self love. She believes in the idea that the most important relationship we will have on earth is the one we have with ourselves. She also enjoys working with couples at all stages of relationship and marriage. She has a caring and direct approach that gets to the heart of the matter quickly and helps her clients get on a path to healing.



Individual Therapy

Offering hope to individuals seeking to heal from the pain of their past and present is one of the things I’m most passionate about. By listening, coaching and teaching, I help individual men and women to connect to their sense of self-worth, learn and practice a system of boundaries, have their own distinct reality and share it while allowing others to have their own reality, understand what they need & want in order to feel secure, loved and thrive, as well as learning how to have balance and moderation in their lives. In addition, I help clients to:

  • Establish new, healthier relationships or re-create a healthier version of a current relationship

  • Reduction of debilitating and toxic levels of shame

  • If you’re a parent — a deeper connection with your children (including adult children) and more confidence in your ability to parent well.

Discernment Counseling


While I am passionate about helping couples save their marriage, there are times when divorce is laid on the table as an option.  Divorce is usually an attempt to solve a problem that people think can't be solved in any other way.  My goal is to provide a safe place for you to explore your relationship and find the best path to come together for your marriage. 

 Discernment counseling is an approach that helps couples process the idea that divorce is not their only option.  While not therapy, discernment counseling is a focused set of conversations designed to help a couple clarify their openness to saving their marriage, and what steps they need to take to get back on solid ground.  This process helps a couple slow down to explore the state of their marriage and decide which of three paths is most appropriate for them. 

Discernment Counseling is a unique short-term type of counseling designed to help you discover if divorce is the best option for your marriage moving forward

Who is this process for? 

  • For couples who see things differently but know each spouse's perspective needs to be heard

  • For couples considering divorce but are not completely sure that it's the right path for them

  • For couples who want to give their marriage another change even if one spouse is moving toward divorce

Who is this process not appropriate for? 

  • One spouse has made a final decision to divorce and is seeking counseling to encourage the other spouse to accept their decision

  • One spouse is coercing the other to participate

  • A relationship with the danger of domestic violence or there is an Order for Protection (OFP) from the court

How is discernment counseling different than couples counseling? 

  • This is a short-term process (1-5 sessions)

  • I will not offer an assessment of your relationship problems or solutions

  • Our sessions will focus on which of three paths is best for you:

    • # 1: Stay married with your relationship continuing as is

    • # 2: Move toward separation and divorce

    • # 3: Work on reconciling by committing to an all-out effort through couples counseling over a 6 month period

  • I will NOT tell you which path you should take

Discernment Counseling can help you make an informed decision together about whether divorce is your best option and give you the best next steps for your relationship. 

Couples Counseling

I am passionate about equipping couples with the tools they need through Relational Life Therapy.  Through this process, you are your spouse will develop a new way of looking at communication with each other and resolving your stuck points. Learn More About RLT. 

Family of Origin Intensives

“That which we do not heal from in childhood, we replay in adulthood.”-Pia Mellody

This workshop is a 3 day intensive therapy experience that investigates the origins of adult dysfunctional behaviors.   In this revolutionary educational and experiential workshop, participants learn to identify and address those early childhood wounds which fuel various addictions, depression, anxiety and relationship difficulties.  The focus is not on blaming caregivers; but rather healing the trauma (any less-than-nurturing childhood events).  The workshop is based on the groundbreaking work of Pia Mellody and utilizes her treatment model.  It includes the following phases:

Informational Phase- During this phase participants will learn about boundaries and how, as a child, boundaries were possibly violated.  Participants will begin to understand the relationship between the child and the adult as perceived by the child.  Identification and understanding of childhood wounding/trauma (any less-than-nurturing childhood event) is part of this phase. We will also discuss core issues and teach participants how to address and heal their core issues. 

Debriefing Phase- This phase consists of delving into the past and recollecting less-than-nurturing and /or abusive childhood experiences and identifying associated feelings. 

Experiential Phase- Guided by the therapist through a series of specific processes developed by Pia Mellody, participants will identify and begin to heal childhood wounds.  In this safe and nurturing environment, clients can release painful emotions and reclaim personal power.

Ongoing Recovery and Empowerment Strategies- Participants will receive a set of strategies, tools, and resources to make permanent these empowering principles in their daily lives.

Intensives are offered throughout the year and are limited to 3-4 participants.

Contact Kristine

3201 West 76th Street, Suite 202A
Edina, MN 55435